Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
30 |
meethi MALAI CHINNOR chawal |
30 |
AMERAVITE chawan-life |
5 |
ALKEM chawanpraash |
5, 30 |
DILL'S chawla CHIK inn |
42 |
GOYAL KI ROJANA chay +plant |
30 |
KRISHNA chay +cup & saucer |
30 |
MAHATREX chay +plants circl |
30 |
MANGALAHASNI chay +woman |
30 |
30 |
RAJ chay +plant |
30 |
SHRIRAM gold chay |
30 |
TELEVISION chay in devnagar |
30 |
do patti chay |
30 |
PRIYAM chaya +plant & circl |
30 |
CHA CHA chaye +man |
30 |
HEM chayvanprash |
5 |
CB hotel cheap & best +arc |
43 |
MOSCHINO cheap and chic |
25 |
check yearly see clearly |
9 |
check-MATE |
10 |
A1 RELIANCE price check |
42 |
BM check nut |
12 |
CEJOLENE +check |
24 |
DROP-check |
1, 10 |
FINANCIAL health check |
36 |
KABISCO check & mate +stars |
30 |
MERILYZER meri check |
5 |
MERILYZER meri check a1c |
5 |
NOTA-check |
7 |
PERIS-check mate |
5 |
RELIANCE tech check +circle |
9 |
SMARTT check |
10 |
WEAR check |
42 |
metal check |
9 |
sure check |
9 |
tech check RELIANCE +circle |
16, 38 |
v or checked v |
28 |
checkered |
31 |
MASTER +checkered |
9 |
NATARAJ checking pencils |
16 |
checks |
6, 9, 17, 29, 30 |
checks & squares |
18 |
ACC +squares & checks |
25 |
3 |
CHESS india +checks |
25 |
ERAA +checks |
25 |
cross circle & checks |
12 |
cheedi chhap bidi +man |
34 |
CADBURY'S choco-cheer |
32 |
MORTON cheer up |
30 |
cheerans DINGO +dogs |
3 |
cheers |
30 |
FIT-N-FINE soda for cheers! |
32 |
30 |
29 |
AMUL pizza cheese |
29 |
AMUL processed cheese +food |
29 |
BISK FARM cheese cream |
30 |
BRITANNIA cheese +cow |
29 |
BRITANNIA cheese cubes +cow |
29 |
BRITANNIA cheese singles |
16 |
BRITANNIA cheese spread |
29 |
BUBBLES cheese balls |
30 |
DAIRI-RICH cheese +bucket |
29 |
FARAGELLO spread cheese |
29, 30 |
GO cheese +circle |
30 |
HI-LIFE cheese |
29 |
JOJO cheese balls +cartoon |
30 |
K KWIK'S cheese balls |
30 |
KIDS JUNGLE FUN cheese ball |
30 |
MAGIC FUN cheese rings |
30 |
PEPPY cheese balls +cartoon |
30 |
POKIMAN cheese balls +men |
29 |
REL cheese |
29 |
RUFIL cheese |
29 |
SAFARI TRICKS cheese balls |
30 |
SANOBIAGIO cheese +bottle |
29 |
SIMBA cheese balls |
29, 30 |
VEGIT ALOO cheese balls |
29 |
VIJAYA cheese +cow |
29 |
super CHEF cheese +chef |
29 |
the cheesecake shop +cartoo |
29, 30, 32, 35 |
AMUL cheesespread |
29 |
AMUL cheesespread +drop ova |
29 |
AMUL cheesespread jeera |
29 |
AMUL cheesespread origano |
29 |
cheessy PHATAKA |
29 |
cheez DELICE |
30 |
cheez-it |
30 |
BISK FARM pack o'cheeze |
30 |
chef |
1, 8, 21, 29, 30, 31, 35, 41, 42, 43 |
chef & circle |
6, 17 |
chef & fork |
1, 3, 30 |
chef & oval |
30 |
chef MICHAEL'S |
31 |
chef's D.O.F |
42 |
chef's MAGIC |
29 |
chef's chic |
29 |
chef's choice |
31 |